Industrial GSM telephone dialer, voice, SMS and email,
12/3000 inputs
Outputs Command via SMS
Weekly timer.
Log Events on SD
Programmable Delay on the first 12 inputs
ModBus TCP-IP for send alarms from PLC
Configured via SD or Ethernet FTP or SMS
PayPal protection
Fast Delivery
Industrial GSM Dialer
This device is designed for industrial applications and can send voice notifications, SMS, and emails to up to 999 numbers
and addresses. It offers up to 11 expandable inputs, with the possibility of adding up to 254 expansion modules.
Key Features:
Customizable Notifications: Each input can send personalized voice, SMS, and email alerts with specific notifications
for opening or closing events.
Advanced Timing: The 11 base inputs support delays of up to 65,000 seconds.
Configuration Interfaces: Configurable via FTP, text files on SD card, and SMS.
Debug Support: Through Telnet, USB, or log files.
Modbus Integration: Operates as a Modbus TCP/IP client for call triggering and notification sending.
Output Control via SMS: Outputs can be managed through SMS commands.
Weekly Timer: Allows scheduled call activation/deactivation on a weekly basis.
PLC Functions: Programmable for specific functions.
Accessories: Includes an external magnetic antenna and micro SD card for data storage.
Front SIM Insertion.
Email sending via GSM
Possible uses:
Refrigerator malfunction or door left open.
Oven malfunction or temperature below an alarm threshold.
Flooded underpass.
Boiler malfunction.
System alarm from PLC.
Additional Features on Request:
HTML Pages over Ethernet: Accessible for advanced configurations.
Temperature Notifications: Monitoring via Modbus RS485 probes with alerts for threshold breaches.
Programmable Holiday Calendar: Manages events based on holidays.
GPS function
Inside 220V PowerSupply
6 NPN outputs or 7 relays 220V (GEVINO NPN or Civil)
Email sending via ethernet
Frequently Asked Questions:
Ethernet: The device supports FTP for SD access, Telnet for debugging, and Modbus for alarm activation and status reading,
but does not include HTML pages.
SD Configuration: Configuration is performed via files on the SD card, which can be edited via FTP or SMS.
Changes via Modbus are not supported.
Recorded Messages: Voice notifications use customizable WAV files.
Alarm Customization: There is no limit to the number of alarms configurable and manageable via Modbus; each input is
uniquely configurable.